Rich Talk with the Richardson Chamber
Rich Talk with the Richardson Chamber
Ann Ranson, Finding Peace in Everyday Life
Ann Ranson, president, Bottom Line 3 Marketing, talked about finding peace in everyday life. Sponsored by Methodist Richardson Medical Center.
Where do you find balance when life is coming at you so fast and from so many directions? Perhaps balance is an unattainable goal, but coming to peace with the changes that surround you may be just what you need instead. Change is inevitable and it's happening all around you, so even though it seems to be happening outside of you, riding the wave of change is really an inside job. In this program, we'll explore how to find peace with the many demands on your time, and how you can pivot from a business presentation to Girl Scouts to home maintenance, without losing your cool. Because these pivots require changes - in attitude, energy, and skill - you'll want to attend and take away specific ideas and tools that you can use when life feels unmanageable.